Sex Facts

 What's the definition of a Lesbian??
                 "Just another damn woman, trying to do a man's job."

                 Women are unpredictable:
                 Before marriage, she expects a man.
                 After marriage, she suspects her man. &
                 After his death, she respects him.


                 Why are married women fatter than single one's?
                 Singles come home, see what's in the fridge and go to bed;
 whereas married women come home, see what's in the bed & go to the fridge.


                 During pregnancy:
                 The 1st three months, do it the normal style
                 Next three months do it the doggy style
                 And the last three months do it the wolf style? sit outside the hole and howl?

                 All couples have different phases of sex life:
                 Age 20 - din raat
                 Age 28 - roz raat
                 Age 38 - jumme raat
                 Age 48 - chandni raat
                 Age 58 - only jat

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