Fact File of Xworld

Man was sobbing in a bar. His friend asked 'why?'
                 He said: "my wife makes me pay Rs 1,000/- for every fuk!"
                 Friend said: "you're lucky, she charges others Rs 2,500/-"

                 Girl in theatre: "the man next to me is masturbating"
                 Boyfriend: "ignore him"
                 GF: "I can't, he's using my hand"

                 Lady scolds her maid for inefficiency.
                 Angry maid says, " atleast am better than you in bed."
                 Lady (amzed): " Did sahab tell you this?"
                 Maid: "No, the driver did."

                 What is common between a passionate kiss and a spider?
                 " Both lead to the undoing of the fly".

                 What is the difference between a new husband and a new dog?
                 " After a year, the dog is still excited to see you."

                 Eve: " Adam, do you love me?"
                 Adam: " No, I don't."
                 Eve (crying): " Then why did you make love to me?"
                 Adam: " Hello!!! As if I had other choices."

                 A wife complains to the doctor that her hubby is 300%  impotent?
                 The doc asks "how 300%?"
                 She sayz: "you know about the 100%, and now he has broken his finger and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 burnt his tongue."                                                      

                 25 useless things in a man:
                 20 nails
                 02 nipples that don't milk
                 02 balls that you cannot play with. &
                 01 cock that does not lay egg.

                 Teacher: "why buffaloes get depressed after milking?
                 Student: "Ma'am, if your boobs are rubbed for 2 hours & then you are left unfucked how would feel?

                 Policeman arrested a prostitute?
                 Prostitute: "I'm not selling sex!
                 Policeman: "Then what are you doing?"
                 Prostitute: "I'm selling condoms and offering free demo.

                 Life is like a penis?
                 Sometimes up, sometimes down,
                 Sometimes hard, sometimes soft,
                 Sometimes big, sometimes small,
                 Sometimes in, sometimes out,
                 So ENJOY penis? oooooops ENJOY LIFE.

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