Five things every woman loves to hear

How to tell her she's pretty

Every woman wants to hear that she's pretty, but more than that she wants to hear that she's the prettiest one for you.

Yes, you might have told her over and over again that she's the prettiest woman on earth, but has she ever believed you? Can't blame her if you did not yet tell her what is it that you find so pretty about her. What makes her stand apart from the rest?

Try and be more specific next time, more in the lines of - " You have the most beautiful and lively eyes" or if you want to be a little more creative, you can even try " Your eyes say a thousand words in one go".

But of course, it helps if you really do think that her beauty lies in her eyes!

The point we are trying to make is that when you compliment her, do it in a way she thinks you have actually noticed and are not just saying things. Compliment her on her slender fingers and watch her gushing thinking - "Oh! he noticed".

The idea is to make her believe what you're telling her. So, why say something that she knows, is not true about her better than anyone else?

Say good things about her as a whole, praise her personality

Even though most men might have failed to notice it, but women have more to them than just their pretty faces or sunshine smiles.

We're talking about their personalities — who they are, what they do and more importantly how they do it.

Twenty six-year-old Kamran can't stop telling his girlfriend, Shazia, about how proud he is to have her as his girlfriend just because she handles the worst of situations so calmly.

"There was this particular time on our way to a movie, we got in to a little accident. I lost my cool and almost picked a fight with the guy who banged into our car. Fortunately, Shazia was there and she insisted on doing the talking bit. Good for us, the guy not only apologised for his fault he also took care of the damages," recalls Kamran.

Don't forget that it was not just her face or her body that you like her for (we're not talking about the TYPICAL men here), and remind her why you choose to be with her and not someone else.

If she's worth every bit of it, then make sure you tell her so.

One such however cliched but good line that works till date is - "You bring out the best in me".

Appreciate what she does for you

She didn't give birth to you, she isn't related to you by blood, still she puts up with you. Ever wondered why?

Because she loves you. So, repeat after me - "I will tell her and show her how much I appreciate what she does for me".

Acknowledging her efforts is a compliment enough. If she does your laundry and folds it for you everyday, tell her how much you couldn't manage anything at all without her (well, isn't it so?).

And a better way to show your appreciation is by not throwing around your dirty clothes all over the house and instead the least you can do is put the clothes in the dirty-laundry bag.

Similarly, what's the point of her cooking the most exotic delicacies for you, if you're to hog it down unappetizingly while watching football on TV.

She'd rather boil rice and burn daal for you and have you crib about the food, just to get your attention.

Just don't come complaining then how her cooking is not anything like your mom's.

Pay more attention to details

When a man notices li'l things about a woman and is attentive to her moods and needs, it is a compliment enough.

Pay attention to things as unimportant as the colour of her nail paint to the way she's worn her hair.

C'mon guys, you have to understand that she's doing things differently to get you to notice. If you don't realise that, you have to be a real loser and definitely not the one to be with any woman for that matter!

If it's a pretty dress she's wearing, instead of asking her — "When and where did you pick up that dress from?," add a "It looks good on you," with it as well!

And if you can't seem to pin-point exactly what is different about her, just ask. It's good enough to pacify her poor soul, knowing that you bothered to find out.

Watch your body language

The whole idea of giving compliments is to show appreciation and words are not the medium to convey the message.

You can show interest or disinterest just by the way you react to what she does or what she says. Your body language speaks your mind more often than not.

Listening to her is the best compliment you can pay to a woman. You can also compliment her by not dismissing her point of view on things and situations. Getting off the serious note, laugh at her jokes, that'll show her you were listening.

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